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Rossi Publishing Games was founded by an individual that might be referred to as “wearing a tin foil hat.” As such, we do not collect any personal information accept what is needed to avoid spam or to make business transactions. Some areas of the site may allow the option for you to receive email updates. With the exception of emails used for verification purposes these will be turned off by default and require you to specifically opt in. You won’t find a section of this site to “opt out” of us sharing your personal information with business partners or affiliates because we don’t share it. You are solely responsible for any information you choose to share to public forums. These areas may be accessible to search bots, since those do assist us with driving traffic to the site. Outside of areas where you have specifically asked or those needed to maintain the site, you won’t be contacted by us. We do make use of the first six digits of your IP address in order to determine what countries are visiting the site, but outside of that only use you IP information to enforce bans.

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A Ship Called Hope Part I

A Ship Called Hope Part I

$10.99 1 $10.00
Sajani Tales

Sajani Tales

$10.00 $20.00 1 $10.99
Total $20
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